Alaska Fuel Systems is a full-service fuel system, car wash, and convenience store contractor specializing in above and underground fuel systems for retail, commercial and government clients. We service major oil companies, distributors, independent dealers, fleet services, and local, state and federal agencies. Construction services that we provide includes fuel system installs, demolition, tank removals, UST and AST monitoring systems, point-of-sale install and training. Maintenance services that we provide includes meter calibrations, testing and monitoring; upgrades and repairs and remediation. We provide compliance services to meet all current regulations for underground and above ground storage tank systems. Below is a list of recently completed projects:
Summer 2013
Project: Warning Lites of Alaska UST removal
Scope: Complete removal and disposal of one 4000 gallon UST and dispensing equipment. Summer 2013
Project: Holiday Dispenser Islands
Scope: Remove all old concrete dispenser islands and install new stainless steel islands. Summer 2013
Project: Ketchikan Airport UST/AST
Scope: Remove one 500gallon UST and install new 500 gallon AST for Emergency generator. Summer 2013
Project: Anchorage Surgery Center UST/AST
Scope: Remove one 500gallon UST and install new 500 gallon AST for Emergency generator. Summer 2013
Project: Holiday Diesel Canopy
Scope: Engineer, permit, and construct canopy over existing diesel fueling islands. Summer 2012
Project: Holiday Alaska Fuel Island and Dispenser Replacement
Scope: Remove and replace concrete fuel islands and fuel dispensers at three Holiday fuel stations
Summer 2011
Project: AC Value Center Sand Pt AK Boiler/Generator Tank Upgrades
Scope: Remove two substandard single wall AST’s and piping connected to Generator and boiler systems. Install new Double wall AST’s and re-pipe. Summer 2011
Project: Bethel Fueling Station
Scope: Install one 4000 gallon AST and associated dispensing equipment. Summer 2010
Project: Holiday Alaska Vapor Recovery
Scope: Install Stage One Vapor Recovery equipment at 17 locations in Anchorage, Wasilla, and Kenai. Summer 2009/ winter 2010
Project: Fairbanks Correctional Center
Scope: Installation of one 20,000 AST and distribution piping to boiler/ generators. Summer 2009
Project: Holiday #608 Fuel System Demo
Scope: Remove entire fuel system and canopies. The app they can find out more links with your google reader account and has functions for sharing stories and posts directly, syncing every 5 to 30 minutes depending on what you choose. Winter 2008/ 2009
Project: Tanana Valley Clinic
Scope: Installation of one 2000 Gallon UST with all accessories. All mechanical to boilers and generator. May 2008
Project: Tank Remove Seward Wesley Care Center
Scope: Remove one 5000 gallon and one 500 gallon fuel tank. Clean cut and dispose. Prepare and close one 2000 gallon tank in place. Install one 5000 gallon tank and plumb to boilers. Winter 2007/ 2008
Project: Bathroom and Store Remodels
Scope: Remodel 26 bathrooms, 2 soda fountain areas and re-tile one sales area at 13 convenience stores around Anchorage, Eagle River, Kenai and Soldotna.